Invitation to the press conference of the Platform for Independent Judicary in Turkey

In order to present the result of the first activities from the Platform for Independent Judicary in Turkey and discuss the next activities, a press conference on the topic "The situation of the Turkish judicial system before and after the coup d’etat. How to restore the rule of law in Turkey?"

will take place on the 11th October 2016, 14h00 at the Palace of Justice of Brussels, Place Poelaert, 1000 Brussels – Belgium.

Please find here the press release

On the day before, 10th October 2016, 13h00, the Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey kindly invites the distinguished members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to attend an exchange views on the situation of the Turkish justice system before and after the coup d’Etat.

Please find here the invitation