Data Protection

Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ) / Vereinigung der Europäischen Verwaltungsrichter e.V. (VEV)

Europäische Rechtsakademie
Metzer Allee 4
D-54295 Trier
President: Mr Sylvain Mérenne

AEAJ takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. The use of our web pages is generally possible without any indication of personal data. However, if services of the respective websites are used by the data subject, processing of personal data may be necessary. As soon as the processing of personal data is required and there is no legal basis for such processing, we generally seek the consent of the data subject.
The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address of a data subject, is always in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. This privacy policy is intended to inform the public about the nature, scope and purpose of the personal information we collect, use and process. Concerned persons are further informed by means of this privacy policy about their rights.
During the implementation and maintenance of our websites and services, numerous technical and organizational measures have been implemented to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed on our websites. Nevertheless, Internet-based data transmissions can generally have security holes, so that no absolute protection can be guaranteed. For this reason, every person concerned is free to submit personal data to us via alternative means, for example by telephone.
1. Definitions
Our privacy policy should be easy to read and understand for the public as well as for our customers and business partners. To ensure this, we would like to explain in advance the terminology used.
We use the following terms in this privacy policy, including but not limited to:
a) personal data
Personal data contain all information that makes a natural person identifiable (hereinafter such a person is referred to as "data subject"). In particular, an affected person becomes identifiable as soon as, by associating an identifier such as the name, location data, identification number or several particular features, the expression of the genetic, cultural, physical, physiological, mental, social or economic identity of that natural person can be identified.
b) data subject
The data subject is any natural person identified or identifiable by personal data from whom the data may be used for processing within the framework of this Privacy Policy.
c) processing
For the processing of personal data, with or without the aid of automated procedures, data may generally be collected, recorded, organized, ordered, stored, adapted or altered, read, queried, used, disclosed by transmission, disseminated or used for any other form of process or series of operations like provisioning, matching or linking, restriction, deletion or annihilation.
d) third parties
A third party is a natural or legal person, public authority or body other than the data subject, the controller, the processor and the persons authorized under the direct responsibility of the controller or processor to process the personal data.
e) consent
Consent is given by the data subject as soon as the latter has informed and unequivocally accepted a voluntary expression of intent in the form of a statement or other unambiguous confirmatory act and agrees to the processing of the personal data concerning him / her.
2. Collecting general information
When you access our web pages, information of a general nature is automatically collected. This information, which is stored in server log files, includes the type of web browser and its version, the operating system used, the website accessed and its subpage, the originating website (referrer), date and time of the request, the encryption used when communicating with the website and the internet protocol address (IPv4 / IPv6) in anonymous form. An anonymization procedure is used to automatically mask the last part of each visitor's IP address, making it impossible to identify a specific person.
We only use this logged data in non-personalized form in order to be able to analyze it statistically and to use it for the continuous improvement of our internet offer. There is no merge of this data with other data sources.
3. SSL encryption
Insofar as supported by the browser, our website uses SSL encryption by default. This encryption is intended to securely transfer your data, and in principle any request on our pages, and to ensure further security-relevant aspects.
You can see that the encryption is active when the called web page starts with "https: //" in the address bar. Please pay attention to an activated encryption as soon as you provide personal data, so that your data can not be read by third parties.
4. Contact via email
The use of the contact information (e.g. our email address) on the website is on a voluntary basis and requires the provision of personal data, namely the name and e-mail address required for processing your email, in case of follow-up questions and response from our side. Any further disclosure of personal data is voluntary.
The data are always treated confidentially and in accordance with the legal data protection regulations and are generally not disclosed to third parties. However, as far as we are legally obliged to do so or by court order, we will pass your data on to legal bodies.
5. Cookies
The websites of AEAJ, like many other websites, use so-called "cookies". Cookies are text files that are transferred from a website server to your browser. This will allow to identify the user and permit, for example, login areas and saving user-specific settings.
Cookies can not be used to launch programs, transfer viruses to a computer, or modify other settings on your computer. The cookies allow us to use the information contained in it in order to facilitate the navigation and allow the best visualisation of our web pages.
This data collected by us will in no case be disclosed to third parties and will not be linked to personal data without your consent.
Of course it is also possible to view our website without cookies. Internet browsers are in most cases set to accept cookies. You can deactivate the use of cookies at any time via the settings of your browser. Please use the help features of your internet browser to find out how to change these settings. In the same settings it is also possible to delete existing cookies saved by our websites.
Please note that some features of our website may not work once the use of cookies has been disabled.
6.  Registration page (contact data, info-mails, newsletter)
You may register on AEAJ registration page. If you wish you can fill in contact data and fields of interest. In this case we will use your personal data to contact you and provide information about AEAJ activities, generally by info-mails. If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will use your personal data to send our newsletter to your e-mail address. Our info-mails and the newsletter may include information on the General Assembly, on our working groups, on projects with partners, and on general developments of interest. Commercial advertising is exluded. You can withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data with future effect at any time, for example, by contacting us at the above-mentioned contact address ( or by using the unsubscribe link at the end of each newsletter.
AEAJ uses for the contact management including info-mails and newsletters Yapla, a digital platform for non-profit organisations by the corporation Yapla France. Data is processed by Yapla France in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation ( 
7. Your rights to information, correction, suspension, cancellation and opposition
You have the right to receive information about your personal data stored by us. Likewise, you have the right to correction, blocking or, apart from the prescribed data storage for business transactions, deletion of your personal data. In case you want to reach us for any of these concerns, please contact us via
For a data lock to be taken into account at all times, these data must be stored in a lock file for control purposes. You can also request the deletion of the data, as long as there is no legal archiving obligation. As far as such an obligation exists, we lock your data on request.
You can make changes or revoke your consent by notifying us with effect for the future.
8. Duration of storage of personal data
The criterion for the duration of the storage of personal data is the respective statutory retention period. After the deadline, the corresponding data will be routinely deleted, if they are no longer required to fulfill the contract or to initiate a contract.
9. Changes to our privacy policy
We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure that it complies with current legal requirements or to implement changes to our services in the Privacy Policy, such as: For example, when introducing new services or modifying existing services. Your new visit will be subject to the new privacy policy.
10. Social networks
We use social networks, such as Twitter, to present, for example, news or to provide further contact opportunities. The use of these services is purely voluntary and not required to use our services and offers.
We have no control over the processing of personal information on these platforms, as this is done exclusively by the companies of these networks, such as Twitter, Inc.
All personally identifiable information we receive through your contact through these networks will be used solely to process the request. In addition, the data will always be treated confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and will generally not be passed on to third parties. However, as far as we are legally obliged to do so or by court order, we will pass your data on to information-corrected bodies.
11. Technical standards
We tried hard to build our site according to the latest standards. However, due to constant technical progress, we can not guarantee that third parties will not be able to intercept data without authorization, to intervene in network security or to control the message traffic.
Our website contains links to other online offers on which we have no influence and whose privacy policy and content we can not make statements. Therefore, we reject any responsibility for the content of other websites.