Upcoming events
28 Aug 2024

Situation in Poland

Rule of Law Lawsuit: Four European Organisations of Judges appealing to the CJEU   2024-08-28 Appeal Summary for Press Release.pdfRule of Law Lawsuit: Grand Chamber dismisses actions as inadmissable  2024-06-04 Joint Press release - GC order - Pol...Rule of Law Lawsuit: The Action Brought by European Organisations of Judges against the Council of the...
15 Jul 2024

Situation in Turkey

Serious rule of law violations continue as attempted coup d'Etat marks 8th anniversary   Statement Türkiye July 2024.pdfMurat Arslan's request for conditional release:The Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey has sent a letter to the Turkish Minister of Justice and a letter to the EU institutions:Letter-Murat-Arslan 29042024.pdfLetter-European-Institutions-Murat-Arslan 29042...AEAJ reiterates its...
22 May 2024

Slovenia: Independence of Judges

2024-05-22 AEAJ Statement on the independence o...
20 Mar 2024

Bulgaria: Open letter on the situation of the judiciary

Open Letter Bulgaria
31 May 2023

judges@europe: "Good administration of justice and judicial accountability in the digital era: national and European perspectives"

EJTN organizes the second edition of the judges@europe forum. AEAJ is honoured to be one of the cooperation partners.This event will be held on 25-27 October 2023 at the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights in Syracuse - Italy. Application is open until 21 June 2023 to all judges in the EU through a self-application process via https://judgesateurope.ejtn.eu/...
24 Mar 2023

High-Level Roundtable at the CJEU

- jointly organised by EUAA, CJEU, ECtHR, IARMJ and AEAJ - on Developments in judicial dialogue through the case-law of the CJEU, the ECtHR and national courts in the field of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS)[picture: ©CJUE, taken by G. Talavera] 
24 Feb 2023

One-year aggression by Russia against Ukraine: Open Letter to our Ukraine colleagues

We convey our full solidarity with Ukraine and express our highest respect to our Ukraine colleagues:Ukraine2023.pdfUkraine2023_UK-final.pdf
13 May 2022

American Bar Association and AEAJ become partners

Today, the American Bar Association on behalf of its Judicial Division, National Conference of Administrative Law Judges (NCALJ) and AEAJ have signed a  Memorandum of Understanding establishing a partnership to mutually promote education and understanding about the work of each other's organizations.  
26 Feb 2022

Statement of AEAJ on the crisis in Ukraine

Ukraine declaration 25.02.2022
24 Nov 2020

epitaph for Dr. Heinrich Zens

On 22. November 2020 the former President of AEAJ Dr. Heinrich Zens passed away in Vienna at the age of 63. He was one of the founding members, vice-president from 2004 to 2006, and under his presidency from 2006 to 2014 thanks to his efforts the Association continued to blossom by e.g. the implementation of Working Groups...
07 Jun 2020

CCJE Report situation judiciary 2019

Here you find the latest report of CCJE (Consultative Council of European Judges) of the Council of Europe on the situation of judiciary in 2019. CCJE report
07 Jun 2020


Declaration of the specialized organ of the Council of Europe, CEPEJ, on challenges faced by Judiciary and COVID-19-pandemic:CEPEJ DeclarationSummary of conference call - 9 April 2020: "The Functioning of Courts in the Covid-19 pandemic" ODIHR:COVID-19 information ODIHRstatement of the austrian Dachverband (german):COVID-19 information DVVRCentral & Eastern European Judicial Exchange Network...
09 May 2019

Opinion of the CCJE Bureau in response to a request by the Romanian Judges Forum Association

Please find here the Opinion of the CCJE Bureau following a request by the Romanian Judges Forum Association as regards the situation on the independence of the judiciary in Romania:opinion
08 Apr 2019

Opinion of the CCJE Bureau in response to AEAJ request

Please find attached the Opinion of the CCJE Bureau from 29 March 2019 in response to our request from 19 January 2019 concerning the legal setting of the position of the president (vice-president) of the Administrative Court of Vienna.opinion
23 Jan 2019

press conference of Plattform Rechtsstaat 24th January 2019, Vienna

PRESSEKONFERENZ Solidarität mit Rechtsanwälten*innen sowie Richtern*innen in der Türkei Plattform Rechtsstaat Zeit: Donnerstag, 24. Jänner 2019, 10.00 UhrOrt:  Österreichischer Journalisten Club – ÖJC        Vienna International Press Center        1010 Wien, Blutgasse 3  Der weltweite Solidaritätstag für verfolgte Anwälte*innen am 24. Jänner (Day of the Endangered Lawyer) ist dieses Jahr der TÃœRKEI gewidmet.  Der Grund für...
23 Dec 2018

Program AEAJ 2019

Please find here the Program 2019:program
06 Mar 2018

International Press Conference of the Platform Rule of Law

Here you can find the Invitation to the press conference:Invitationhere is the link to the speeches: speeches
21 Feb 2018

Report on judicial independence and impartiality in the Council of Europe member States in 2017

Here you can find the Report on judicial independence and impartiality in the Council of Europe member States in 2017, prepared by the Bureau of the CCJE:report
15 Jan 2018

new ERA e-learning course in EU state aid

The e-learning course on European State Aid Law for national judges prepared within the framework of the State Aid Online Project (co-funded by the Training of National Judges Programme on EU Competition Law) was launched by 22nd December 2017. The course consists of 5 separate modules out of which the first 2 are already...
07 Nov 2017

Save the date - next meetings of the working groups in 2018

1) 15/16 March 2018: the AEAJ-EJTN seminar will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece. Topic: " Structural issues on conflicts of norms"  (with maximum 20 participants nominated by AEAJ)    Details on the event and possibility to apply for participation will be given to you asap.   2) 17/18 May 2018: NIM-AEAJ seminar in Bucarest, Romania. This workshop will...
11 Oct 2017

Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize 2017 – for Murat Arslan, the president of YARSAV – Turkish Association for Judges and Prosecutors

Please find here the speech of Murat Arslanspeech
03 Sep 2017

AEAJ report to CCJE

Please find here the AEAJ report to CCJE on the situation of the judiciary:report
17 Jul 2017

Statements to the situation in Poland

Please find here the Statement of EAJ on judicial Reform in Poland:statement EAJFind here the Statement of ENCJ on the situation in Poland:statement ENCJ
28 Apr 2017

Statement of the ENCJ Executive Board concerning judicial reforms in Poland

Please find attached the Statement of the ENCJ Executive Board concerning judicial reforms in Poland:statement
10 Apr 2017

Joint Statement by CCBE, EFJ and EAJ on the ongoing crackdown on the rule of law in Turkey

The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), and the European Association of Judges (EAJ) firmly condemn the ongoing widespread persecution of lawyers, journalists, judges and prosecutors in Turkey. statement
17 Feb 2017

Penal Discussion Press Freedom and the rule of law in Turkey ahead of the constitutional referendum

Please find attached the invitation of Scott Griffen, Director of Press Freedom Programmes International Press Institute (IPI), to a panel discussion and networking event in Vienna with leading lawyers, academics and journalists from Turkey.Press Freedom and the rule of law in Turkey ahead of the constitutional referendum
05 Feb 2017

ENCJ votes to suspend the Turkish High Council for Judges and Prosecutors

link to the press release
21 Nov 2016

Resolution of the International Association of Judges on Turkey of October 2016

Please find here the resolution of the International Association of Judges on Turkey of October 2016:resolution
21 Nov 2016

Letter of the International Association of Judges about the situation in Turkey

Please find here the etter of the International Association of Judges to Mr Erdogan, President of the Turkish Republic, on the detention of the president of the Turkish Association of Judges and Prosecutors (YARSAV), Mr Murat Arslan. This letter is fully supported by AEAJ.letter
11 Nov 2016

Open letter to the Turkish Society

Please finde here the open letter to the Turkish Society:open letter
12 Oct 2016

List of demands of the platform for Independent Judicary in Turkey

Please find here the list of demands of the platform for Independent Judicary in Turkey:demands
07 Oct 2016

Invitation to the press conference of the Platform for Independent Judicary in Turkey

In order to present the result of the first activities from the Platform for Independent Judicary in Turkey and discuss the next activities, a press conference on the topic "The situation of the Turkish judicial system before and after the coup d’etat. How to restore the rule of law in...
07 Oct 2016

Resolution of the American Bar Association to Turkey

Find here the Resolution of the American Bar Association to Turkey:resolution
07 Oct 2016

Statement of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary on the Turkish High Council for Judges and Prosecutors of 28 September 2016

Find here the Statement of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary on the Turkish High Council for Judges and Prosecutors of 28 September 2016: statement
16 Aug 2016

Platform for an Independen Judiciary in Turkey addresses Turkish Head of the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors of Turkey

Find here the letter of the platform:Letter to the Turkish HSYK
09 Aug 2016

Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey addresses Council of Europe

find here: Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey addresses Council of Europeplatform letter council europe sectretary Generalplatform letter council europe president
25 Jul 2016

AEAJ statement on the situation of judges in Turkey

Find here the Statement of AEAJ on the Situation of judges in Turkey:statement
12 Jul 2016

Statement of the CCJE Bureau to the situation in Turkey

Find here the Comments by the CCJE Bureau following the request of the Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ) to provide opinion about certain aspects of the legislation in Turkey concerning judges and prosecutors:statement CCJE
20 Jun 2016

Letter of AEAJ concerning the draft law for a judicial reform in the Ukraine, "Law of Ukraine on the Judiciary and the Status of Judges"

Find here the letter of AEAJ:Letter AEAJLetter of the Chief Justice
15 Jun 2016

ACTIONES Project - European University Institute, Florence

AEAJ takes part at the ACTIONES-project, realized by the European University, Florence.   Within this project, a handbook will finally be published, containing different modules (the first part will be about the scope and application of the _Fundamental Rights Charter (FRC), Judicial interaction techniques, available to national judges in the field of FR in the EU and...
11 Oct 2015

Ukrainian Judges Associations Letter

Download the Ukrainian judges Associations letterUkrainian judges stress possible violations of New draft legislation concerning independence of Justice.
13 Jul 2015

Venice Commision Report

Download the Turkish declaration (June 2015)Download the comments of the CCJE Bureau on Turkey (2015)AEAJ follows the statement of the Venicecommission and strongly supports it.