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15 Jul 2024

Situation in Turkey

Serious rule of law violations continue as attempted coup d'état marks 8th anniversary   

Statement Türkiye July 2024.pdf

Murat Arslan's request for conditional release:The Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey has sent a letter to the Turkish Minister of Justice and a letter to the EU institutions:

Letter-Murat-Arslan 29042024.pdf

Letter-European-Institutions-Murat-Arslan 29042...

AEAJ reiterates its solidarity with Turkish judges and prosecutors - On the occasion of the anniversary of the attempted Coup d’État on July 15, 2016 in Türkiye

2023-07-14 AEAJ statement on Türkiye.pdf

AEAJ`s contribution to the side-event "Revisiting the functioning of democratic institutions and rule of law in Turkey" organized during the plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg on 19-23 June 2023



Letter of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in reply to our letter regarding Mustafa Baser and Metin Özcelik.

CoE Answer.pdf

The Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey (AEAJ, EAJ, MEDEL and Judges4Judges)

advocates for an immediate reassessment of the decisions not to grant the conditional release to Mustafa Baser and Metin Özcelik and urges once again the European institutions to take the necessary steps to restore the rule of law in Turkey.


The Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey (AEAJ, EAJ, MEDEL and Judges4Judges) 

once again decounces the disrespect for the rule of law in Turkey and demands the immediate release and reinstatement of Murat Arslan and all the other illegally dismissed judges and prosecutors.

Platform letter on Turkey October 2022 Murat Ar...

Reply from the CoE, 24102022

On the occasion of the anniversary of the 2016 Coup in Turkey 

MEDEL, EAJ, Judges4Judges and AEAJ 

have called on European institutions to take action with regard to 

the detoriation of the rule of law situation and the massive and systemic human rights violations in Turkey.

Türkiye Platform statement 15072022

Open letter on the occassion of the judgment of the Turkish Court of Cassation of 3rd November 2021 - Murat Arslan (3rd January 2022)

AEAJ Open letter Judgment of the Turkish Court ...

joint statement on fair trial rights in Turkey  on the occasion of the International Fair Trial Day (June 2021):

Joint statement by lawyers, judges, and journal…

Letter to Turkish Minister of Justice - Inhuman Treatment of judge Ahmet Kaya in Sincan Prison (May 2021):

Letter to Turkish Minister of Justice - Inhuman...

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, General Country of Origin Information Report Turkey, March 2021

vertaling-aab-turkije.pdf (ecoi.net)

Turkey Tribunal, Judicial Independence and Access to Justice, by Luca Perilli, February 2021:

Turkey Tribunal

reaction to the rejection decision of ECtHR to deny amicus curiae status to AEAJ,EAJ,MEDEL in Turkish pending cases - reaction of AEAJ-EAJ-MEDEL-Judges4Judges of 15.02.2021:

reaction to the rejection decision of ECtHR

Article on Situation of Judiciary in Turkey - 29th december 2020:

article Turkey

article Turkey

article Turkey

ENCJ statement – 4 years after suspension of the Turkish High Council for Judges and Prosecutors, 8 December 2020:

ECNJ Statement 2020

Open appeal on basis of two reports of "European Anti-Torture Committee" of CoE, 31th August 2020:

Open appeal on basis of two reports of "Eur...

Please find here the statement of the Platform to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe from July 2020:

Platform Letter 15th July 2020

Please find here the protest note to the criminal conviction of Murat Arslan from AEAJ, EAJ, Judges for Judges and MEDEL:


Here you find the joint statement and letter of AEAJ, EAJ, MEDEL and J4J from November 2019:

letter 11_2019

Article of Mr Diego García-Sayán, UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, published in newspaper El Pais on the criminal conviction of Mr Murat Arslan, English translation, 6 February 2019, see also under article

Please find here the statement to the conviction of Murat Arslan:

statement platform

Please find here the statement of the Platform to the 70th anniversary of the Universial Declaration of Human Rights and ist Observation in Turkey:

statement december

Please find here the speech of Murat Aslan:


Please find here the statement on the eve of the EU-Turkey leaders’ meeting in Varna:


Please find here the report of the platform for an independent judiciary in Turkey - one year after:


Please find here the conclusions of the platform for an independent judiciary in Turkey from 17th july 2017:


Decision of EJTN to suspend temporarily observer status of Judicial Academy of Turkey of November 2016:

Decision of EJTN to suspend temporarily observe…

Please find here the letter to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe from 4th August 2016:

Platform letter August 2016

Letter of the Platform to ENCJ on the status of independence of the Turkish Council for the Judiciary (HSYK) of 25 November 2016:

Letter english 2016

Letter 2016 French

Opinion of CCJE on transfer of judges of 5 July 2016:

Opinion of CCJE

Declaration of Venice Commission on interference with judicial independence in Turkey of 20 June 2015:

Declaration of Venice Commission on interferenc…

Comments of CCJE Bureau on attacks against specific independent Turkish judges of 12 June 2015:

Comments of CCJE Bureau on attacks against spec...