WG Taxation
The Taxation Working Group organises a seminar on tax law in a different European
country each year.
Seminars are dedicated to the recent evolutions and cutting-edge issues in EU Law on both direct and indirect taxation.
Members of the Taxation Working Group are administrative judges
coming from more than twenty European ountries. Over the last ten years, the following countries have sent judges
to the WG seminars: Azerbaijan, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Ukraine.
Over the last ten years, the working group meetings took places in the
following cities: Thessaloniki, Ljubljana, Warsaw, Lisbon, Helsinki, Lyon, Sofia, Stockholm
and Vienna.
Distinguished speakers have contributed to the success of the Taxation WG
seminars, among them, university professors, EU legal officers, judges from
European Courts and representatives from national taxauthorities.
The Taxation Working Group collaborated on three occasions with the DG TAXUD of the European Commission for joint events
(Thessaloniki, Ljubljana and Warsaw).
- Mrs Eugenia Papadopoulou
- Mrs Barbara Wisiak