AEAJ | The Association of European Administrative Judges The Association of European Administrative Judges AEAJ-EJTN seminar in Porto (Portugal), 6-7 March 2025 9a5dee4613147aea44402e0762ef705660284c36 2025-03-10T10:02:00+01:00 AEAJ and EJTN held their joint seminar on "The Role of the Administrative Judge and Court Staff in the State" in Porto on 6-7 March 2025. This seminar intends to explore the challenges faced by the administrative judiciary in its daily work, the modern challenges that emerge from the use of aggressive technology, artificial intelligence and the use of social media by judges and court staff but also the role of the judiciary as a pillar of the Rule of Law and the Institution of Justice and Democracy. The seminar took place at the Palacio de Justicia of Porto. AEAJ-OSCE-Albanese School of Magistracy Joint Seminar in Tirana (Albania) d5f374b84f9bed7edf7b04d5ae929ec85d1fcadb 2025-03-09T18:51:00+01:00 AEAJ, OSCE (Representation in Albania) and the Albanian School of Magistracy organised a joint seminar on Friday 7. March 2025 in Tirana. The topic of the seminar was dedicated to "Conflict of Norms in the field of Fundamental Rights". AEAJ and ABA-NCALJ renew their Memorandum of Understanding for a new triennal period 0f2aa15313cc23778e691ed8664cebe8b09984d8 2025-01-16T11:13:00+01:00 On 13 May 2022, the Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ) and the US National Conference of Administrative Law Judges (NCALJ) - American Bar Association (ABA) - concluded a Memorandum of Understanding to provide a framework for their friendly transatlantic relations. The signature of the original Memorandum was preceded by early contacts between former AEAJ president Edith Zeller and hon. Ed Felter, Alex Manuel and Julian Mann, from the Judicial Division of the American Bar Association. AEAJ 2025 Work Programme and President's Wishes 650b72941dbb5ecc67b84a6b63d90b9252e9dfe3 2025-01-13T17:24:00+01:00 AEAJ 2025 Work Programme AEAJ releases its 2025 Work Programme, which summarises its activities for the coming year.   The seminars of the AEAJ Working Groups will be: - WG Independence and Efficiency, 15 & 16 May 2025, Ljubljana: Towards the Cyber-Administrative Judge - WG Taxation, 29 & 30 May 2025, Vilnius: The never ending story of tax fraud - WG Environmental Law, 18 & 19 September 2025, Würzburg: No plan is perfect - Urban and environmental planning under judicial planning - WG Asylum and Immigration, 18 & 19 September 2025, Brussels The two AEAJ-EJTN joint seminars: - The Role of the Administrative Judge and Court Staff in the State, 6 & 7 March 2025, Porto - Conflict of Norms - Multi-level protection in the application of Fundamental Rights, 3 & 4 April 2025, Prague  --- President's Wishes Dear colleagues, dear friends,   Will 2025 be the Year of the Cyber? Last November, the unacceptable comments from tech billionaire Elon Musk against Italian asylum judges highlighted, by contrast, how valuable independent administrative judiciaries are for our European democracies. Lauch of the seminar "Judges Upholding the Rule of Law" in Strasbourg 054f7e33031aa02838ba7f6e45816d013fe9acc6 2024-12-23T09:05:00+01:00 The thematic seminar (course launch) on “Judges Upholding the Rule of Law”, a joint project of the Council of Europe and EJTN, took place on 17th and 18th December 2024, in the premises of the Palais de l'Europe in Strasbourg.  This online tutored course will last two months and the assigned HELP tutors are AEAJ vice-president Evgenia Papadopoulou and Mr. Gianluca Grasso, from the Italian School of Judiciary. Former Turkish judge Mehmet Tank is "Breaking an 8-Year Silence" 386675c917c84942ff87227315bba78f07ff5f1f 2024-12-13T15:23:00+01:00 Mehmet Tank is a former tax judge from Turkey with a dedicated career in the judiciary and a steadfast commitment to judicial independence. He began his career as a tax inspector in 2002 before entering the judiciary in 2005. He served as a tax judge within the administrative justice system. ELI releases the ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards of Judicial Independence 67bf2dfce6f0f81602004f00040d810559e6ce3f 2024-12-13T10:44:00+01:00 The European Law Institute (ELI) has released the ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards of Judicial Independence, available here. ELI' Standards establish guidelines to assess and promote judicial independence, rooted in the European values. The Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ) became an observer into ELI's project and contributed with detailed comments, especially on questions related to administrative law and administrative courts, that ELI took carefully into consideration. EJTN launches its fully digital 2025 Catalogue of Training Activities 958d79f6aa8ba1f43f54c43cb74221b7852ec6a4 2024-12-13T09:50:00+01:00 The European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) has released its 2025 Catalogue of Training Activities. The Catalogue is accessible either in a PDF version and in an Online interactive version. EJTN is the network of European judicial training institutions, and has delivered training and seminars to European judges for 25 years. AEAJ represents administrative judges at the 25th plenary meeting of the CCJE 3e7a6c8d9cd2fc04dda22ed18523db2dc2976724 2024-12-08T16:30:00+01:00 The Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE), an advisory body of the Council of Europe, met in Strasbourg on 4-6 December 2024 to prepare its Opinion No. 27 (2024) on the disciplinary liability of judges. AEAJ has been an observer at the CCJE for a long time and presented several comments on the draft, supported by the experience of administrative judges in the field of disciplinary law. AEAJ participates to the annual edition of the European of the Legal Professions 9ed45bfd37dc1b6d2cd36bf1dfe98386fca5094a 2024-11-14T14:30:00+01:00 On November 8th, 2024, AEAJ president Sylvain Mérenne and vice-president Eva Wendler attended the European Forum of the Legal Professions, organised by the Academy of European Law (ERA). The event took place in Brussels and was broadcasted online to a large audience. Sylvain Mérenne took part in one of the afternoon's roundtables. Situation in Poland 553d32d4b6635221179abe6de63e63f5f591c9f5 2024-08-28T00:00:00+02:00 Rule of Law Lawsuit: Four European Organisations of Judges appealing to the CJEU // Situation in Turkey f4b6fb43de6f980bf5252abf1d4bc1fbcc3d29d4 2024-07-15T00:00:00+02:00 Serious rule of law violations continue as attempted coup d'Etat marks 8th anniversary // Slovenia: Independence of Judges c2694c3b0687ee8ef43f2c59043f818abf98efc6 2024-05-22T00:00:00+02:00 Statement on the Independence of Judges in Slovenia // Bulgaria: Open letter on the situation of the judiciary 7b9ee12152ff3a99c4cdfeba1d837adbffd3b8fd 2024-03-20T00:00:00+01:00 judges@europe: "Good administration of justice and judicial accountability in the digital era: national and European perspectives" 78671ac7e1ea73cc23f3cc49ba9d87a13d3e5a4e 2023-05-31T21:18:00+02:00 EJTN organizes the second edition of the judges@europe forum. AEAJ is honoured to be one of the cooperation partners. This event will be held on 25-27 October 2023 at the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights in Syracuse - Italy. High-Level Roundtable at the CJEU a776c10ca9bef6614d4b2d34b3c1151cde65910b 2023-03-24T20:00:00+01:00 - jointly organised by EUAA, CJEU, ECtHR, IARMJ and AEAJ -  on Developments in judicial dialogue  through the case-law of the CJEU, the ECtHR and national courts  in the field of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) [picture: ©CJUE, taken by G. One-year aggression by Russia against Ukraine: Open Letter to our Ukraine colleagues 50ef6d0f4ec374839244391519c3005c7b9d7b59 2023-02-24T08:00:00+01:00 We convey our full solidarity with Ukraine and express our highest respect to our Ukraine colleagues: Ukraine2023.pdf Ukraine2023_UK-final. American Bar Association and AEAJ become partners 96a465aea40345af375532860ef8aa6b93654b3f 2022-05-13T00:00:00+02:00 Today, the American Bar Association on behalf of its Judicial Division, National Conference of Administrative Law Judges (NCALJ) and AEAJ have signed a  Memorandum of Understanding establishing a partnership to mutually promote education and understanding about the work of each other's organizations. Statement of AEAJ on the crisis in Ukraine 05b15ec46a632caaf504a93c53b0939267557cb4 2022-02-26T11:54:00+01:00 Ukraine declaration 25.02. epitaph for Dr. Heinrich Zens 7f657dbe7f314c77ff9437e9f05dac21d02ecb9d 2020-11-24T14:50:00+01:00 On 22. November 2020 the former President of AEAJ Dr. Heinrich Zens passed away in Vienna at the age of 63.