judges@europe: "Good administration of justice and judicial accountability in the digital era: national and European perspectives"
EJTN organizes the second edition of the judges@europe forum. AEAJ is honoured to be one of the cooperation partners.
This event will be held on 25-27 October 2023 at the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights in Syracuse - Italy.
Application is open until 21 June 2023 to all judges in the EU through a self-application process via https://judgesateurope.ejtn.eu/ .
- Latest news
- ✏ AEAJ and ABA-NCALJ renew their Memorandum of Understanding for a new triennal period
- ✏ AEAJ 2025 Work Programme and President's Wishes
- ✏ Lauch of the seminar "Judges Upholding the Rule of Law" in Strasbourg
- ✏ Former Turkish judge Mehmet Tank is "Breaking an 8-Year Silence"
- ✏ ELI releases the ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards of Judicial Independence