Current Board
Sylvain Mérenne (president)
Mérenne graduated from the universities Sciences Po Paris (2006) and
Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (2008). After being judicial assistant at
the French Conseil d'Etat, he succeeded the exams to become
judge and started to work at the
administrative court of Cergy-Pontoise in 2009. He seconded at the
French Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forest in 2016, and works at
the Administrative Court of Appeals of Marseille since 2018. He
is invited lecturer at Sciences Po Paris, where he teaches Civil Liberties.
Sylvain Mérenne is
AEAJ representative to CCJE since 2018, vice-president since 2021 and
president since 2023.
vguenia Papadopoulou
Evgenia Papadopoulou graduated with a
master degree in public law at the Law School of Aristotle University
(Thessaloniki, Greece). She also studied law in Belgium and Spain.
She passed the exams of the National School of the Judiciary and
became an administrative judge in 2001. She is a trainer in the
National School of the Judiciary in the fields of taxation law and
EU taxation law, an Activity Coordinator at EJTN, and a tutor
at the HELP programme of the Council of Europe.
Evgenia Papadopoulou is co-chair of
the AEAJ Taxation Working Group since 2014 and AEAJ vice-president
since 2018.

Dr David
Rabenschlag (vice-president)
David Rabenschlag lives in Berlin, Germany. He serves as a judge at
the Administrative Court of Berlin since 2014. Before joining the
judiciary, he studied law in Frankfurt and Madrid - with a focus on
European and international law. He obtained a PhD from Goethe
University Frankfurt in 2009 with a thesis on the concepts of
Citizenship of the Union. He worked previously in a law firm as well.
Rabenschlag is co-chair of the AEAJ Asylum and Immigration Working Group and AEAJ vice-president since 2023.
Eva Wendler (vice-president)
Wendler has been working as an administrative judge, first at the
independent administrative tribunal of Vienna from 2002 to 2013, and
then at the Austrian Federal Administrative Court, since 2014. She started
her career as a member of the legal service of the Austrian Federal Ministry of
Health, and later the Federal Chancellery. She got involved into AEAJ activities
and was appointed as the association's Rule of Law officer in 2021.She is also a Board member of the Austrian Association of Federal Administrative Judges.
Eva Wendler is co-chair of the AEAJ independence and Efficiency Working Group and AEAJ vice-president since 2023.
r. Indrė Žvaigždinienė (vice-president)
Indrė Žvaigždinienė graduated from the University of Vilnius (Lithuania)
in 2003, and obtained a PhD with a specialisation in Environmental
law in 2007. She has worked at the law faculty of the University of
Vilnius since 2003 and is currently associate professor in the Public
Law Department. Between 2006 and 2022, she also worked at different
positions in the Lithuanian Ministry of Home Affairs. She is a judge
at the Regional Administrative Court (Vilnius Chamber) since 2022.
Indrė Žvaigždinienė is co-chair of the AEAJ Environmental Law Working Group and AEAJ vice-president since 2023.
amille Vinet (secretary general)
Vinet graduated from the universities Paris Nanterre (2000) and
Sciences Po Paris (2002). After working as a judicial assistant at
the Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris, she became an
administrative judge in 2004. She seconded three years as a judge at
the Regional Audit Court of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes in 2014. She works
at the Administrative Court of Appeals of Lyon, where she started her
career. She became presiding judge in 2022.
Camille Vinet was
appointed AEAJ
representative for equity,
diversity and inclusion
in 2021, and is AEAJ secretary general since 2023.
r. Ralf Höhne (treasurer)
Höhne studied law at the University of Münster. After his
traineeship at the district court of Münster he was appointed
administrative judge in 2002. He is presiding judge at the
administrative court of Münster since 2015.
Höhne is AEAJ treasurer since 2005.

Evaristo González González (deputy treasurer)
Evaristo González González
graduated from the University of La Laguna (Canary Islands, Spain).
He passed the national competition exam in order to become an ordinary judge
in 2005 and worked successively in criminal, civil and labor matters.
He passed the second competition exam in order to become an administrative
judge in 2018, and currently works at the administrative chamber
of the High Court of the Canary Islands.
Evaristo González González became
AEAJ deputy treasurer in 2024.